Abi Dummer HeadshotAbi Dummer Headshot

Abi Dummer

Staff Accountant

Abi Dummer, one of our enthusiastic Interns, has been a valuable addition to our team since 2023. Her role centers on supporting the audit department in completing audits for our clients.

Currently a senior at the Oregon Institute of Technology, Abi is on track to graduate with her Bachelor of Science in Accounting in the spring of 2024. 

Abi finds great satisfaction in gaining practical experience while still in school. This dual role allows her to continuously learn and enhance the skills acquired in her academic journey. Building relationships with both clients and coworkers is a favorite aspect of her job, fostering a sense of camaraderie within the community.

Working with her team is a source of inspiration for Abi. She appreciates the genuine support and encouragement she receives, with her colleagues actively invested in her learning and success, both in her academic journey and in the workplace.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Abi has a rich array of interests. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, baking, and reading. A tennis enthusiast, Abi actively engages in the sport and values quality time spent with friends and family.